Friday, March 13, 2009

My Best and Worst Teachers

There are many teachers that I haven’t like during all my years in school, but my worst would probably have to be my seventh and eighth grade science teacher. This teacher was an Authoritarian teacher. She had a very strict teacher centered classroom. She was not open to changed, suggestions or different types of teaching. During the class we hardly even did hands on activities, and spend the majority of the class in silence for fear of being wrong. This was a teacher that had her class controlled only through fear.

My best teacher was in high school. I took a cooking class and loved it, not only because I loved the subject but I loved the class and teacher. He made the class fun and exciting. He was open to suggestions and criticism. He was there for us when we needed help or advice. This class was always talking about the fun activities and projects we were working on. This class was a very Democratic, student centered classroom. I enjoyed this teacher so much I went on to take another class of his and was even his TA. I still keep in contact with this teacher today.

1 comment:

  1. I think its really nice to have at least one good memory of one good teacher in our lives. They seam to enhance our learning more than they realise. This also continues through out life.
